Employee verification is a service aimed at protecting the company’s reputation and its interests. When employing strategic employees, we entrust them with sensitive data – often confidential. This may be a range of information about the enterprise and access to internal tools, the improper use of which may expose the company to serious losses. Thanks to the verification of employees, you can be sure that the people employed in important positions are trustworthy, competent and honest.
The essence of employee verification is checking and confirming the information provided by him. This applies to both previously held positions (professional experience) as well as education or documents supporting his qualifications. Our detectives will conduct verification activities that will not infringe the interests of the verified person. We thoroughly check the employee’s past, analyze the current career path and get to know the opinions of previous employers. We use many different sources of knowledge about employees, therefore their verification is reliable and highly effective.
Using proven methods and tools, experience and our knowledge, we present a comprehensive report on the indicated person. On the basis of the information collected in it, you can successfully make a reliable assessment of the candidate, confirming the belief that the attitude declared by the candidate will actually support the company’s development.
Investing in the staff is key, so it is worth obtaining information from many proven sources. The data provided by our team is fully objective and leaves no doubt as to the reliability of a specific person.