Evidence of marital or partner infidelity is not always obvious, and their discovery requires a lot of experience, knowledge and discreet investigation methods. The breakdown of a marriage is a very emotional experience for the whole family. The accompanying emotions, stress and fear for the future are just one of the many elements to overcome. The second one are all formal issues – a guilty judgment, which as a consequence has a huge impact on custody of children, division of property or alimony. Fighting for your rights requires the undisputed proving of the guilt of the person who committed adultery, and the credibility of the evidence presented to the court is crucial for the success of the case. So how do you win a divorce case?
You will solve this problem with our detective agency. Divorce cases are instituted for various reasons and often take place in an unfriendly atmosphere – especially when it comes to divorce as a result of marital infidelity. Therefore, if you want to collect reliable evidence that will significantly contribute to the achievement of a favorable outcome of the entire process, we invite you to familiarize with the details of the offer prepared by our professional detective agency.

In court, the suspicions or the subjective opinion of the betrayed person don’t count. The court will not take your word for anything – only real evidence will count here. Thanks to the solid evidence collected by our detective agency you can get a divorce on guilt. Our detectives gather evidence and support clients in the process of collecting evidence that will be used in court to fight for their rights. Operational activities adapted to documenting marital infidelity are discreet surveillance, the essence of which is to confirm or exclude the partner’s infidelity and gather evidence if marital infidelity actually takes place. The signs of infidelity don’t have to be obvious though. Then our detectives will dispel any doubts for you.
A detective specializing in marital infidelity is an expert who will also ensure that the information collected during the surveillance is presented in an objective and reliable manner. We are perfectly aware of the great trust that our principals place in us. Therefore, when performing our duties, we use only effective and proven methods that allow us to efficiently collect evidence of marital infidelity needed in divorce. Bearing in mind the good of our clients, we approach each operation individually, thus ensuring the highest possible standard of service. We also know that in a divorce case, it’s all about facts, not just guesswork. Our detectives make sure that the evidence they have collected is prepared in such a way that it reflects reality as well as possible.

We also carry out operations aimed at revealing activities harmful to the family, such as gambling, alcoholism, drugs, mental or physical violence and others. The available statistics clearly show that, apart from the infidelity itself, the most common causes of divorce are issues related not to the excessive consumption of various types of stimulants, but to the impact of such addiction on the spouse. For example, heavy alcoholics may develop over time aggression that is difficult to control, leading directly to mistreatment of family members.
Our detectives focus on obtaining the necessary information, while making sure that neither party’s interests are compromised by rash conclusions. Investigative activities include surveillance with the indication of places and details of people with whom the partner meets. As part of the summary of activities, the client receives a detailed report with the results of discreet surveillance. The report is supported by photo documentation as well as audio and video recordings. In cases of marital infidelity, each detective takes on enormous responsibility. There is no room for errors or, even less for understatement, during operational activities. All collected evidence must be 100% verified, which is guaranteed by our detective agency.

At the client’s request, surveillance may also be supported by activities in the area of computer forensics – mobile phone or computer monitoring. Marital infidelity – although it can undoubtedly destroy the trust that has been built over the years – must be unequivocally confirmed by evidence in order for a divorce case to take place. Before reading the collected documentation, you should certainly avoid drawing conclusions on your own, which may turn out to be very hasty in the long run.
Divorce is both emotionally difficult and extremely time-consuming cases. Depending on the complexity of the situation, they may take years to take place in courts. The main reason for this is usually the lack of sufficient evidence for the court to issue a judgment confirming the sole guilt of one of the parties. Collecting material on your own, which clearly indicates the partner’s inappropriate behavior, is often a difficult task that is difficult to deal with on your own. When collecting information, you need to be systematic and secure the evidence with due diligence, which requires a lot of private time and is often impossible for a private person to achieve due to the lack of knowledge of how to properly secure such information so that it can constitute evidence in court.
A detective specializing in marital adultery can gather evidence much faster and do it right from the start in the right way required by the court. It often turns out to be crucial, because divorce cases almost always also concern issues related to custody of children or the division of property.