

CT Surveillance

Counter-surveillance consists in detecting and identifying people who have taken surveillance and investigative actions against our client, and making it impossible for them to obtain further information about him. Their goal is to conduct hostile surveillance operations in such a way that our client has no idea about it – and thus to obtain sensitive information about him.

Our detectives have many years of experience, knowledge and proven skills that determine the appropriate direction of counter-surveillance activities. They also use professional and hi-tech equipment to support these operational activities. The essence of the counter-surveillance operation is to determine whether someone is actually following the client, checking the methods used by the enemy and their scope, and then preventing him from obtaining any information about the client.

Operational activities consist of a combination of various methods and activities in a manner tailored to the individual situation:

  • Detection of surveillance – the activities boil down to determining whether someone is actually trying to obtain information about the client.

  • Client training (self-control) – the detective teaches and instructs the client how to act in order to “confuse the trail”. This is to mislead the enemy without revealing that the client is aware of being followed. The essence of effective self-control is to lead your life in the way you expect without providing any unauthorized information to the follower. Effective methods, tools and ways will make you feel safe again.

  • Direct counter-surveillance – consists in starting a team of detectives, which, using appropriate methods and tools, will identify the follower, examine his intentions and goals, and detect the methods of surveillance used by him, preventing him from collecting any further information about the client.

Our detective agency will check your surroundings, company, home, car and personal devices (telephone, computer and others), discovering whether you have actually been the victim of surveillance and someone is trying to obtain information about you in an unauthorized way. They will then take a series of security, counter-intelligence and confusing actions to ensure that you and those around you are safe. All actions are at full discretion to eliminate any potential enemy/follower.

If you’re looking for comprehensive assistance in this area, we invite you to contact us as soon as possible. We will be happy to answer all your questions and explain our methods of operation.

We will guarantee you full discretion and, as the most experienced detectives in Poland, we will undertake even the most difficult tasks to help you.